We are very keen to keep in contact with our alumni across the world and build a strong alumni community. We send a termly e-newsletter and an annual magazine, hold an annual Alumni Day and Dinner, and offer other events and networking opportunities throughout the year.
Alumni News
See selected items of news involving Earth Sciences alumni
Alumni Events
Find information about forthcoming alumni events, Department talks and seminars; and read about recent alumni events.
Alumni Publications
Read the latest Earth Sciences e-newsletter, find the most recent issue of GeoCam magazine and explore previous editions.
Support the Department
Find out ways in which you can support all aspects of the Department's activities.
Alumni-funded Awards and Prizes
Find details on alumni-funded student awards and prizes, and read about the fieldwork experiences of recent recipients.
Data Protection for Alumni and Supporters
Read the University of Cambridge's data protection statement for alumni and supporters.
Staying connected
Whether you wish to re-establish contact with the Department, have work placement opportunities or careers advice for our current students, or are planning a trip to Cambridge, we would love to hear from you. Our Alumni Co-ordinator is happy to answer any questions that you may have, so please do contact us.
You can ensure that alumni communications from the University and Department keep reaching you by updating your details and mailing preferences online. You can also discover the range of benefits and services that you are entitled to as alumni of the University of Cambridge.