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Department of Earth Sciences


This is a list of the papers for which we don't have on-line access but do have paper copies in the library office. The list in is alphabetical order. The last number in brackets is the number you need to look for in the boxes.


Alan, R.G.& Summerfield A.R (et al) (1994) (1043)

Tectonic models of passive margin Evolution and their implications for theories of long-term landscape development.

(Process Models & Theoretical Geomorphology chapter 3, 23-53)


Aldridge, R.HJ. (2005),  (1124)


(Encyclopaedia entry)


Allen,J.R.L (1974) (1062)

Studies in fluviatile sedimentation: implications of pedogenic carbonate units, Lower Old Red sandstone, Anglo-Welsh outcrop

(Geological Journal 9, Pt 2 , 1974)


Anderson, L.I. (2005) (1132)


(Encyclopaedia entry)


Anderson,OL (1986) (6-7) IN MAP ROOM

Properties of iron at the Earth's conditions

(Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 84, 561-579)


Armijo,R (et al.) (1996) (12, 1243)

Quaternary evolution of the Corinth Rift and its implications for the Late Cenozoic evolution of the Aegean

(Geophysical Journal International 126, 11-53)


Armstrong, H.A. (2007) (1222)

On the cause of the Ordovician glaciation

(The Micropalaeontological society, Special Publications. The Geological society, London.101-121)


Arthur, M.A., Dean, W.E. & Schlanger, S.O. 1985 ( 712-713) 713 only IN MAP ROOM

Variations in the global carbon cycle during the Cretaceous related to climate, volcanism and changes in atmospheric CO2

(Geophysical Monograph 32, 504-529)


Avouac, J.-P. (2004) (1114)

Mountain building, erosion and the seismic cycle in the Nepal Himalaya

(Advances in Geophysics 46, 1-80


Badley,ME; Price,JD; Backshall,LC (1989) (17)

Inversion, reactivated faults and related structures: seismic examples from the southern North Sea


(Special Publications of the Geological Society 44, 201-219)


Bally AW et al (1966)(21-22) IN MAP ROOM

Structure, seismic data and orogenic evolution of southern Canadian Rocky mountains

(Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology 14, 3, 337-381)


Barton,PJ 1986 (24) IN MAP ROOM

Comparison of deep reflection and refraction structures in the North Sea

(Geodynamics Series 13, 297-300)


Barton,PJ & Wood,RS 1984 (28-29)

Tectonic evolution of the North Sea basin: crustal stretching and subsidence

(Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 79, 987-1022)


Bathurst, Robin G. C. (1975) (1190)

Carbonate Sediments and their diagenesis - 2nd edition APPENDIX & extra References

For full text in 1st edition see Developments in Sedimentology Vol. 12 (1971) EASJ.DEVSED.12

(This item MUST remain in the Short Loan Collection)


Beaumont,C (et al.) (34-35)

Erosional control of active compressional orogens

(Special Publication of the Geological Society 9, 1-18)


Beaumont,C (et al.) (1992) (912)

Erosional control of active compressional orogens

(IN: McClay K.R.(ed) Thrust Tectonics pp.1-18)


Bechennec,F (et al.) (1990) (38-39) IN MAP ROOM

The Hawasina nappes: stratigraphy, palaeogeography and structural evolution of the south-Tethyan passive continental margin

(Special Publication of the Geological Society 49, 213-223)


Behrensmeyer, A.K. & Tauxe, L (1982) (1060)

Isochronous fluvial systems in Miocene deposits of Northern Pakistan

(Sedimentology 29,331-352)


Benton,M.J. (1990) (43) IN MAP ROOM

The causes of diversification of life

(Systematics Association Special Volume 42, 409-430)


Berger, W.H. et al. (1989) (1081)

Ocean productivity and paleoproductivity - an overview

In: Productivity of the Ocean: present and past

Eds: W.H. Berger, et al.., pp 1-34


Berger, W.H. (1989) (1082)

Appendix: Global maps of ocean productivity

In: Productivity of the Ocean: present and past

Eds: W.H. Berger, et al.., pp 429-455


Bergström, Jan & Xian-Guang Hou (2005) (1199)

Early Palaeozoic non-lamellipedian arthropods

(Crustacean Issues 16: Crustacean and Arthropod Relationships, 73-93)


Berry, W.B.N. & Boucot, A.J. (746)

Silurian graptolite depth zonation

Report of the Session/International Geological Congress (1972), 24(7):59-65


Bishop. J. D. D. & P. J. Hayward (1952) (1214)

SEM atlas of type and figured material from Rober Lagaaij's ‘The Pliocene Bryozoa of the Low Countries'

(Mededelingen Rijks Geologische Dienst (1989), 43(2):64 pp.)


Bohlen,SR (1991) (56)

On the formation of granulites

(Journal of Metamorphic Geology 9, 223-229)


Bone,Q (62) IN MAP ROOM

The origin of chordates

(Oxford Biology Readers 18)


Boyer,SE & Elliott,D 1982 (64 -65) 65 IN MAP ROOM

Thrust systems

(AAPG Bulletin 66, 1196-1229)


Bridge, J.S. & S.J. Bennet (1992) (1122)

A model for the entrainment and transport of sediment grains of mixed sizes, shapes and densities

(Water Resources Research, 28, 337-363)


Bridge, J.S.& Leeder, M.R. (1979) (1063)

A simulation model of alluvial stratigraphy

(Sedimentology 26,617-644)


Briggs,DEG (1991) (70) IN MAP ROOM

Extraordinary Fossils

(American Scientist 79, 130-140)


Broecker,WA (1991) (76) IN MAP ROOM

The ocean

(Oceanography, vol 4, 2, 1991)


Brown, R.W. et al (1994) (1042)

Apatite fission track analysis:  Its potential for the estimation of denudation rates and implications for models of long-term landscape development.

(Process Models & Theoretical Geomorphology chapter 2, 23-53)


Brune,JN & Thatcher,W (2002) (812)

Strength and energetics of active fault zones

(In: International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology pp. 569-588)


Bruton,DL & Haas,W (1999) (82) IN MAP ROOM

The anatomy and functional morphology of Phacops (Trilobita) from the Hunsrück Slate (Devonian)

(Palaeontographica A 253, 29-75)


Budd, G. E. (2000). (1201)

Nature, Nurture - and fossils.

(Palaeontological Association Newsletter 44: 15-18)


Buick, IS & Holland TJB (1989) (933) (1189)

The P-T-t path associated with crustal extension, Naxos, Cyclades, Greece

(Special Publication, Geological Society no. 43, 365-369)


Burke, Kevin

The African Plate (1996) 1242

South African Journal of Geology, 99,(4)



Butterfield NJ (1995) (873)

Secular distribution of Burgess-Shale-type preservation

Lethaia 28 1-13


Cambridge University Expeditions (2005) (1140 & 1141)

CUEX 2005 Expeditions Summary


Carroll,RL (1995) (86)

Problems of the phylogenetic analysis of paleozoic choanates

(Bulletin du Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle Sér. 4 17, 389-445)


Carroll,RL  (1970) (87-88)

Quantitative Aspects of the Amphibian-Reptilian Transition

(Forma et Functio, 3, 165-178)


Cartwright, Joe et al (2003) (1032)

The genesis of polygonal fault systems: a review

(Geological Society Special Publication 216, 223-243)


Clarkson,ENK (1975) (97)

The evolution of the eye in trilobites

(Fossils and Strata 4, 7-31)


Clift,PD & Dixon,JE (1998) (101-102) IN MAP ROOM

Jurassic ridge collapse, subduction initiation and ophiolite obduction in the southern Greek Tethys

(Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 91, 128-138)


Constable, S. (et al.) 1997 (108) IN MAP ROOM

RAMESSES finds a magma chamber beneath a slow spreading ridge

(InterRidge News 6, 18-22)


Conway Morris,S 1989 (116) IN MAP ROOM

The persistence of Burgess Shale-type faunas: implications for the evolution of deeper-water faunas

(Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences 80, 271-283


Conway Morris,S 1987 (117) IN MAP ROOM

The search for the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary

(American Scientist 75, 157-167)


Conway Morris,S 1994 (118) IN MAP ROOM

Why molecular biology needs palaeontology

Development Supplement 1-13


Corsetti, F. A. & Nathaniel J. Lorentz (2006) (1192)

On neoproterozoic cap carbonates as chronostratiraphic marker

(From: Neoproterozoic Geobiology and paleobiology (Xiao & Kaufman Eds) Ch. 9, 279-295).


Courtney, RC et al (1986) (992)

Anomalous heat flow and geoid across the Cape Verde Rise: evidence for dynamic support from a thermal plume in the mantle.

(Geophysical J.R. Astr. Soc. 87, 815-867)


Crowther, P. & Rickards, R.B. (1977) (741)

Cortical bandages and the graptolite zooid

(Geologica et Palaeontologica 11, 9-46)


Cuffey, K.M [et al.] (1994) (1091)

Calibration of the δ18O isotopic paleothermometer for central Greenland, using borehole temperatures

(Journal of Glaciology 40, 341-349)


Dade,WB; Nowell,ARM 1991 (123) IN MAP ROOM

Moving muds in marine environments

(In: Coastal sediments conference proceedings) 


Davis,GA & Lister,GS (136-139) 137-139 IN MAP ROOM

Detachment faulting in continental extension: perspectives from the southwestern U.S. Cordillera

(Special Paper GSA 218, 133-159)


Davis, M & Kusznir, N (2004) (1066)

Depth-dependant lithospheric stretching at rifted continental margins

(IN: Rheology  & Deformation of the Lithosphere at continental margins Chapter 4, 92-136)


DeMets,C. (et al.) 1990 (143)

Current plate motions

(Geophysical Journal International 101, 425-478)


Dunham,RJ (1962) (152) IN MAP ROOM

Classification of carbonate rocks according to depositional texture

(Memoir AAPG 1, 108-121)


Earth Sciences Department (2004) (1038)

Geological Mapping Techniques : Preliminaries


Edmond,JM & Von Damm,K (1983) (154) IN MAP ROOM

Hot springs on the ocean floor

(Scientific American pp.70-85)


Eriksson, KA (1995) (842)

Crustal growth, surface processes, and atmospheric evolution on the early Earth

(Geological Society Special Publication 95 11-25)


Etter, W. & Tang, C.M. (2002)  (1121)

Posidonia shale : Germany's Jurassic marine park

In: Exceptional Fossil Preservation

Eds: Bottjer, D.J., et al.., pp 266-291


Fedonkin.MA ;Yochelson,EL & Horodyski,RJ 1994 (169) IN MAP ROOM

Ancient metazoa

(National Geographic Research and Exploration 10.2:200-223)


Flood,RD (1989) (173) IN MAP ROOM

Submersible studies of current-modified bottom topography in Lake Superior

(Journal of Great Lakes Research 15, 3-14)


Folk,RL (1959) (175) IN MAP ROOM

Practical petrographic classification of limestones

(AAPG Bulletin 43, 1-38)


Folk, RL (1962) (176) IN MAP ROOM

Spectral subdivision of limestone types

(Memoir AAPG 1, 62-84)


Forey,P & Janvier,P (179) IN MAP ROOM

Evolution of early vertebrates

(American Scientist 82, 554-565)


Forsyth, D et al (1975) (991)

On the relative importance of the driving forces of plate motion

(Geophysical J.R. Astr. Soc. 43, 163-200)


Fowles, J 1991 (182)

Dolomite: the mineral that shouldn't exist

(New Scientist)


Frey,M (et al.) (1980) (183)

Alpine metamorphism along the geotraverse Basel-Chiasso - a review

(Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 73, 527-546)


Friend, P.F. (1983) (1051)

Towards the field classification of alluvial architecture or sequence

(Spec. Publs int Ass. Sediment. 6, 345-354)


Friend, P.F & Sinha, R (1993) (1052)

Braiding and meandering parameters

(Geol. Soc. Special Publication no.75, 105-111


Gass, I.G. (1979) (1003)

The troods massif: Its role in the unravelling of the ophiolite problem and its significance in the understanding of constructive plate margin processes.

(IN: Optiolites. Proceedings of the International optiolites symposium, Cyprus  p.23-35)


Gehling,JG (189)

The case for Ediacaran fossil roots to the Metazoan tree

(Memoirs of the Geological Society of India 20, 181-223)


Gibson,BS & Levander,AR 1988 (192) IN MAP ROOM

Modelling and processing of scattered waves in seismic reflection surveys

(Geophysics 53, 466-478)

(Geologie en Mijnbouw 68, 345-356)


Glennie,KW (et al.) (1990) (196-197)

Inter-relationship of Makran-Oman Mountains belts of convergence

(Special Publication of the Geological Society 49, 773-786)


Glynn,PW (1988) (198) IN MAP ROOM

Predation on coral reefs: some key processes, concepts and research directions

(In: Proceedings of the 6th International Coral Reef Symposium, Vol. 1 pp.51-61)


Gomez, Basil (2003) (2-1 to 2-8) (1225)

Production, storage, and output of particular organic carbon: Waipaoa River basin, New Zealand

(Water resources research 39, 2-1 to 2-8)


Gradstein, F.M. & Ogg, J. 1996 (747) IN MAP ROOM

A phanerozoic time scale

(Episodes 19, 3-4)


Graham & Bunbury (1237)

The ancient landscapes and waterscapes of Karnak

(Egyptian archaeology, 2005, 17-19)


Haessler,H (et al.) (1992) (206) IN MAP ROOM

The rupture process of the Armenian earthquake from broad-band teleseismic body wave records

(Geophysical Journal International 109, 151-161)


Hagadorn, J.W.  (2002) (1117)

Chengjiang: early record of the Cambrian explosion

In: Exceptional Fossil Preservation

Eds: Bottjer, D.J., et al.., pp 36-60


Hagadorn, J.W.  (2002) (1118)

Burgess shale: Cambrian explosion in full bloom

In: Exceptional Fossil Preservation

Eds: Bottjer, D.J., et al.., pp 62-89


Hagadorn, J.W.  (2002) (1119)

Burgess shale - type localities: the global picture

In: Exceptional Fossil Preservation

Eds: Bottjer, D.J., et al.., pp 92-116


Hall,PL (1994) (211-212) IN MAP ROOM

Physical and chemical aspects of the development of overpressuring in sedimentary environments

(Clay Minerals 29, 425-437)


Hanna,SS (1990) (215-216) 216 in Map room

The Alpine deformation of the Central Oman Mountains

(Special Publication of the Geological Society 49, 341-359)


Harrison, RJ & U. Becker (2001) (818)

Magnetic ordering is solid solutions

(EMU notes in mineralogy 3, 349-383)


Harrison, RJ & U. Becker (2001) (913)

Magnetic ordering is solid solutions

(EMU notes in mineralogy 3, 349-383)


Harley, Simon L. (2004) (1187)

Extending our understanding of Ultrahigh temperature crustal metamorphism

(Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 99, 140-158)


Hatcher,RD (et al.) (1987) (218) IN MAP ROOM

Tectonic implications of new Appalachian Ultradeep Core Hole (ADCOH) seismic reflection data from the crystalline southern Appalachians

(Geophysical Journal Royal Astronomical Society 89, 157-162)


Hicks, D.M et al. (2000) (1226)

Erosion thresholds and suspended sediment yields,  Waipaoa River basin, New Zealand

(Water resources research 36, No 4, 1129-1142)


Holland, H. D. (2003) (1144)

The geological history of sea water

Chapter 21 In: Oceans and marine geochemistry

(H. Elderfield, ed.) Treatise on geochemistry vol 6, Elsevier


Honjo, Susumu (1986) (227)

Oceanic particles and pelagic sedimentation in the western North Atlantic Ocean

(Geology of North America, vol M, The Western North Atlantic Region, GSA, )


van Houten, F.B. 1977 (714-715) 714 IN MAP ROOM

Triassic-liassic deposits of Morocco and Eastern North America: comparison

(AAPG Bulletin 61, 79-99)


Hudson,JD & Anderson,TF (1989) (236) IN MAP ROOM

Ocean temperatures and isotopic compositions through time

(Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences 80, 183-192)


Hunter, R.H. (1987) (1064)

Textual equilibrium in layered igneous rocks

(Origins of Igneous Layering , 473-503)


Jackson,ED (1961) (257) IN MAP ROOM

Primary textures and mineral associations in the ultramafic zone of the Stillwater Complex Montana

(Professional Paper USGS 358)


Jackson JA (2002) (934)

Using Earthquakes for Continental Tectonic Geology

(International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology Vol 81A, 491-503)


Jackson JA (2002) (935)

Using Earthquakes for Continental Tectonic Geology

(International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology Vol 81A, 491-503)


Jackson, J. (2001) (908)

Living with earthquakes: know your faults

(Journal of Earthquake Engineering 5, 5-123)

(Stored at B.03.926* & ES.6285 - ask Library Staff)


Jackson,JBC & McKinney,FK (1990) (283)

Ecological processes and progressive macroevolution of marine clonal benthos

(In: R.M. Ross & W.D. Allmon  (ed.) Causes of evolution pp.173-209)


Jefferys & Bunbury (2005) 1238       (2 articles in one)

Memphis 2004 (pp.8-13)

Wilson, P. (1238)

Sais 2004-05 (pp.1-8), (The journal of Egyptian archaeology, 91, 2005)


Jefferies, Richard (1996) 1240

The early phylogeny of Chordates and Echinoderms and the origin of Chordate left-right asymmetry and bilateral symmetry

Elsevier 1996 (pp. 101-122), (Acta Zoologica, 77,2)


Jeffreys (2005) (1076)

The support of mountains and the survival of continental cratons.

(Astronomy & Geophysics)


Jensen, S (1990) (288) IN MAP ROOM

Predation by early Cambrian trilobites on infaunal worms - evidence from the Swedish Mickwitzia Sandstone, (Lethaia 23, 29-42)


Jensen, Soren, Droser, Mary L. & James. G. Gehling (2006) (1191)

A critical look at the ediacaran trace fossil record

(From: Neoproterozoic Geobiology and paleobiology (Xiao & Kaufman Eds) Ch. 5, 115-157).


Kay, RW & Kay, SM 1986 (296) IN MAP ROOM

Petrology and geochemistry of the lower continental crust: an overview

(Special Publications of the Geological Society 24, 147-159)


Kay,RW (et al.) 1992 (297) IN MAP ROOM

Magma genesis and crustal processing.,

(Developments in Geotectonics 23)


Keen, C.E et al (1990) (1004)

Geodynamics of rifted continental Margins

(Chapter 9 IN Geology of the Continental Margin of Eastern Canada 393-471)


Keppie,JD (et al.) 1996 (302) IN MAP ROOM

Terrane transfer between eastern Laurentia and western Gondwana in the early Paleozoic: constraints on global reconstructions

(Special Paper Geological Society of America 304, 369-380)


Kerr A. C (2003) (1011)

Oceanic Plateaus

(Treatise on geochemistry V. 3 537-605)


Knoll, AH 1996 (304)

Archean and Proterozoic Paleontology

(In: Jansonius,J &McGregor,DC - ed - Palynology:principles and applications)


Knoll, A.H. (1984) (1149)

Patterns of extinction in the fossil record of vascular plants

(From. Nitecki, M.H., Extinctions, 21-68)


Koren', T.N. & Rickards, R.B. (742)

Extinction of the graptolites

(In: Caledonides of the British Isles - reviewed pp.457-465)


Kump, LE  & Lovelock JE (1995) (1017)

The geophysiology of climate

(Chapter 15 IN: Future Climates of the World: a Modelling Perspective, World Survey of Climatology vol. 16,  537-553)


Land,LS 1985 (320) IN MAP ROOM

The origin massive dolomite

(Journal of Geological Education 33, 112-125)


Laporte, Didier, Cedric Rapaille & Ariel Provost (1997) (1184)

Wetting angles, equilibrium melt geometry, and the permeability threshold of partially molten crustal protoliths

(Granite: from segregation of melt to emplacement fabrics, 31-54)


Lawson,K (et al.) 1996 (321) IN MAP ROOM

Detailed volcanic geology of the MARNOK area, Mid-Atlantic Ridge north of Kane transform

(Special Publication of the Geological Society 118, 61-102)


Leeder, M. R. & J. A. Jackson (1993) (1177)

The interaction between normal faulting and drainage in active extensional basins, with examples from the western United States and central Greece

(Basin Research, 5, 79-102)


Le Pichon,X (et al.) (1988) (325-326, 817) 325-326 IN MAP ROOM

Plate kinematics and tectonics leading to the Alpine belt formation; a new analysis

(Special Paper geological Society of America 218, 111-131)


Livermore,RA (et al.) 1983 (338-339) IN MAP ROOM

Plate motions and the geomagnetic field - I: Quaternary and Late Tertiary

(Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 73, 153-171)


Mazzullo,J, A. Meyer & R. Kidd (1085)

New sediment classification scheme for the ocean drilling program

In Mazzullo, J., and Graham, A.G. (Eds.), Handbook for Shipboard Sedimentologists.


McCubbin, DG (1981) (694-696) 695 IN MAP ROOM

Barrier-Island and strand-plain facies

(Memoir AAPG 31, 247-279)


McKenzie,DP  1978 (356-357)

Active tectonics of the Alpine-Himalayan Belt: the Aegean Sea and surrounding regions

(Geophys.J.Res.astr.Soc. 55,217-254)


McKenzie,DP 1983 (358-361)

The earth's mantle

(Scientific American 249, 66-78)


McKenzie,DP 1998 (362)

Geochemical constraints on mantle convection


McKenzie,DP (1969) (366)

Speculations on the consequences and causes of plate motions

(Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astron. Soc. 18, 1-12)


McKenzie,DP & Richter,F 1976 (372-373)

Convection currents in the earth's mantle

(Scientific American 235, 72-89)


Macleod, K.G.; Huber, B.T.; Le Ducharme, M. (2000) (737-738) IN MAP ROOM

Paleontological and geochemical constraints on the deep ocean during the Cretaceous greenhouse interval

In : Warm Climate In Earth History (eds Huber, B. T.,MacLeod, K. G.&Wing, S. L



McNamara,KJ & Rudkin,DM (1984) (376) IN MAP ROOM

Techniques of trilobite exuviation

(Lethaia 17, 153-173)


Malanotte-Rizzoli, P. (et al.) 1996 (380) IN MAP ROOM

Experiment in Eastern Mediterranean probes origin of deep water masses

(Eos 77, 305 & 307)


Martill DM (1993) (901)

Soupy Substrates: A Medium for the Exceptional Preservation of Ichthyosaurs of the posidonia Shale ( Lower Jurassic) of Germany.

(Kaupia 2, 77 - 97)


Massare,JA & Brett,CE (1990) (387) IN MAP ROOM

Palaeoecology; predation; terrestrial

(In: Palaeobiology -A synthesis Ed.Briggs,D & Crowther,P - See B.07.567)


Molnar,P (et al.) (1979) (399-400)

Lengths of intermediate and deep seismic zones and temperatures in downgoing slabs of lithosphere

(Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 56, 41-54)


Mooney,WD & Meissner,R 1992 (403) IN MAP ROOM

Multi-generic origin of crustal reflectivity: a review of seismic reflectivity: a review of seismic reflection profiling of the continental lower crust and Moho

(Developments in Geotectonics 23, 45-79)



Neal, J.E. 1996 (759) IN MAP ROOM

A summary of Paleogene sequence stratigraphy in northwest Europe and the North Sea

(Special Publication Geological Society 101, 15-42)


Nelson,KD 1991 (416) IN MAP ROOM

A unified view of craton evolution motivated by recent deep seismic reflection and refraction results

(Geophysical Journal International 105, 25-35)


Nimmo,F & McKenzie,D (422-423) 422 IN MAP ROOM

Convective and flexural support inferred from gravity and topography at the Tharsis Rise, Mars

Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America (September 1983), 15(6):708


Nokleberg, W.J. et al  2000 (753) IN MAP ROOM

Phanerozoic tectonic evolution of the Circum-North Pacific

(Professional paper, United States Geological Survey 1626, 1-9 ONLY)

Available for download - whole book


ODP leg 173 Shipboard Scientific Party (1998) (1115)

Drilling reveals transition from continental breakup to early magmatic crust

(EOS, Transactions 79, 173, 180-181)


Olsen, P.E. & Kent, D.V. 2000 (709-711)

High-resolution early Mesozoic Pangean climatic transect in lacustrine environments

(Zbl. Geol. Paläont. 1, 1475-1495)


Osborne,MJ & Swarbrick,RE (1997) (431-432) 432 IN MAP ROOM

Mechanisms for generating overpressure in sedimentary basins: a re-evaluation

(AAPG Bulletin 81, 1023-1041)


Page, A.A. et al. (2007) (1223)

Were transgressive black shales a negative feedback modulating glacioeustasy in the early Palaeozoic icehouse?

(The Micropalaeontological society, Special Publications. The Geological society, London.123-156)


Page, A. et al. (2007) (1224)

Deglacial anoxia in the early Palaeozoic icehouse.

(Poster for "Were transgressive black shales a negative feedback modulating glacioeustasy in the early Palaeozoic icehouse? " - The Micropalaeontological society, Special Publications. The Geological society, London.123-156)


Palme, H et al (2003) (1008)

Solar System Abundances of the Elements

(Treatise on Geochemistry Vol.1, 41-61)


Palme, H et al (2003) (1009)

Cosmochemical Estimates of Mantle Composition

(Treatise on Geochemistry Vol.2, 1-38)


Pantin,HM 1991 (434) IN MAP ROOM

A model for ignitive autosuspension in brackish underflows

(In: Proceedings of the Euromech 262 Colloquium on sand transport in rivers, estuaries and the sea



Panuska, John C et al (1991) (1033)

Terrain analysis: Integration into the agricultural nonpoint source (AGNPS) pollution model

(Research Reports Jan- Feb 59- 63)


Penrose Field Conference Particpants (1972) (1092)


(Geotimes 17, 24-25)


Philippe,Y (et al.) (1996) (444-445) IN MAP ROOM

The Jura fold-and-thrust belt: a kinematic model based on map-balancing

(Memoire Musee National d'Histoire Naturelle 170, 235-261)


Pinter,N & Brandon,MT (1997) (446) IN MAP ROOM

How erosion builds mountains

(Scientific American April 1997, 60-65)


Playford, Phillip E.(1980) (1220)

Devonian "Great Barrier Reef" of  Canning Basin, Western Australia

(The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 64 No 6: 814-840)


Playford, Phillip E. (1989) (1219)

Reefal platform development, Devonian of the Canning basin, Western Australia

(SEPM Special Publication No 44 - Controls on carbonate platform and basin development: 187-202) 


Poirier,JP 1986 (461) IN MAP ROOM

Dislocation-mediated melting of iron and the temperature of the Earth's core

(Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 85, 315-328)


Price,I 1976 (463) IN MAP ROOM

Carbonate sedimentology in a pre-Upper Cretaceous continental margin sequence, Orthris, Greece

(Bulletin de la  Société Géologique de France 18, 273-279)


Price,RA (1981) (464-465) IN MAP ROOM

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Scientific American


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Basin dynamics NJW Practical 7

Strain rates & North sea reprise


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An active foreland basin


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Transient uplift I


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Oceanic crust and V-shaped ridges


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Solid flux of Zambezi Delta


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G1 Basin dynamics Option 2008: AGC practical 12

The subsidence of deep-water margins


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Practical 13 Solution


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Solution 14


White, Nicky. G I -  Practical Solutions (1235)

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Sub-surface fluid flow


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