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Department of Earth Sciences


The Dave Thompson Award

The Dave Thompson Award is a Mapping Project Fund managed by the graduating Class of 2010, in memory of the late Dave Thompson. The fund confers an annual award of £500 to a student mapping group. In addition the fund makes an annual gift to the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences.

2019 Recipients

Hamilton Allport, Yvan Bollet-Quivogne, Natasha Franklin, and Ursula Shaw

New Caledonia

Photograph of the New Caledonia mapping group

The group writes: "Our mapping group chose to go to New Caledonia as it was both an area that no previous group had worked on, and a place with very unique geology. We spent 31 days in the mapping area, two of those days being dedicated to asking for land-use permission and 29 spent on mapping."

Read more of the group's report on their field experiences: Mapping the geology of New Caledonia

Photo of the sun setting over the sea in New Caledonia, with the mapping group in silhouette