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This is a reading list for the 2018-19 Part III course in magma dynamics, lectured by John Rudge and John Maclennan.

Option 9 - Magma Dynamics.

Lectures 1-4: John Rudge

Lecture 1

  • Jordan, Jacob S., Marc A. Hesse, and John F. Rudge. “On Mass Transport in Porosity Waves.” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 485 (March 2018): 65–78.
  • McKenzie, D. “The Generation and Compaction of Partially Molten Rock.” Journal of Petrology 25, no. 3 (August 1, 1984): 713–65.
  • McKenzie, D. P. “The Compaction of Igneous and Sedimentary Rocks.” Journal of the Geological Society 144, no. 2 (March 1987): 299–307.
  • McKenzie, Dan, and Marian Holness. “Local Deformation in Compacting Flows: Development of Pressure Shadows.” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 180, no. 1–2 (July 2000): 169–84.
  • Rudge, John F. “Analytical Solutions of Compacting Flow Past a Sphere.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 746 (May 10, 2014): 466–97.
  • Simpson, G., and M. Spiegelman. “Solitary Wave Benchmarks in Magma Dynamics.” Journal of Scientific Computing 49, no. 3 (December 2011): 268–90.
  • Spiegelman, Marc. “Flow in Deformable Porous Media. Part 1 Simple Analysis.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 247 (February 1993): 17–38.
  • Spiegelman, Marc. “Flow in Deformable Porous Media. Part 2 Numerical Analysis – the Relationship between Shock Waves and Solitary Waves.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 247 (February 1993): 39–63.
  • Whitehead, John A., and Karl R. Helfrich. “Wave Transport of Deep Mantle Material.” Nature 336, no. 6194 (November 1988): 59–61.
  • Wiggins, Chris, and Marc Spiegelman. “Magma Migration and Magmatic Solitary Waves in 3-D.” Geophysical Research Letters 22, no. 10 (May 15, 1995): 1289–92.


Lecture 2

  • Alisic, Laura, Sander Rhebergen, John F. Rudge, Richard F. Katz, and Garth N. Wells. “Torsion of a Cylinder of Partially Molten Rock with a Spherical Inclusion: Theory and Simulation: TORSION OF PARTIALLY MOLTEN CYLINDER.” Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 17, no. 1 (January 2016): 143–61.
  • Bercovici, David, and John F. Rudge. “A Mechanism for Mode Selection in Melt Band Instabilities.” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 433 (January 2016): 139–45.
  • Holtzman, B. K., N. J. Groebner, M. E. Zimmerman, S. B. Ginsberg, and D. L. Kohlstedt. “Stress-Driven Melt Segregation in Partially Molten Rocks: MELT SEGREGATION IN MOLTEN ROCKS.” Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 4, no. 5 (May 2003): n/a-n/a.
  • Holtzman, Benjamin K. “Questions on the Existence, Persistence, and Mechanical Effects of a Very Small Melt Fraction in the Asthenosphere: VERY SMALL MELT FRACTIONS.” Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 17, no. 2 (February 2016): 470–84.
  • Katz, Richard F., Marc Spiegelman, and Benjamin Holtzman. “The Dynamics of Melt and Shear Localization in Partially Molten Aggregates.” Nature 442, no. 7103 (August 2006): 676–79.
  • Kohlstedt, David L., and Benjamin K. Holtzman. “Shearing Melt Out of the Earth: An Experimentalist’s Perspective on the Influence of Deformation on Melt Extraction.” Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 37, no. 1 (May 2009): 561–93.
  • Mei, S., W. Bai, T. Hiraga, and D.L. Kohlstedt. “Influence of Melt on the Creep Behavior of Olivine–basalt Aggregates under Hydrous Conditions.” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 201, no. 3–4 (August 2002): 491–507.
  • Qi, Chao, David L. Kohlstedt, Richard F. Katz, and Yasuko Takei. “Experimental Test of the Viscous Anisotropy Hypothesis for Partially Molten Rocks.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, no. 41 (October 13, 2015): 12616–20.
  • Rudge, John F., and David Bercovici. “Melt-Band Instabilities with Two-Phase Damage.” Geophysical Journal International 201, no. 2 (May 1, 2015): 640–51.
  • Spiegelman, Marc. “Linear Analysis of Melt Band Formation by Simple Shear: MELT BAND FORMATION BY SIMPLE SHEAR.” Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 4, no. 9 (September 2003): n/a-n/a.
  • Stevenson, David J. “Spontaneous Small-Scale Melt Segregation in Partial Melts Undergoing Deformation.” Geophysical Research Letters 16, no. 9 (September 1989): 1067–70.
  • Takei, Yasuko, and Benjamin K. Holtzman. “Viscous Constitutive Relations of Solid-Liquid Composites in Terms of Grain Boundary Contiguity: 1. Grain Boundary Diffusion Control Model.” Journal of Geophysical Research 114, no. B6 (June 25, 2009).


Lecture 3

  • Aharonov, E., J. A. Whitehead, P. B. Kelemen, and M. Spiegelman. “Channeling Instability of Upwelling Melt in the Mantle.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 100, no. B10 (October 10, 1995): 20433–50.
  • Braun, Michael G., and Peter B. Kelemen. “Dunite Distribution in the Oman Ophiolite: Implications for Melt Flux through Porous Dunite Conduits: DUNITE DISTRIBUTION IN THE OMAN OPHIOLITE.” Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 3, no. 11 (November 2002): 1–21.
  • Kelemen, P. B., G. Hirth, N. Shimizu, M. Spiegelman, and H. J. Dick. “A Review of Melt Migration Processes in the Adiabatically Upwelling Mantle beneath Oceanic Spreading Ridges.” Edited by J. R. Cann, H. Elderfield, and A. Laughton. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 355, no. 1723 (February 15, 1997): 283–318.
  • Keller, Tobias, Richard F. Katz, and Marc M. Hirschmann. “Volatiles beneath Mid-Ocean Ridges: Deep Melting, Channelised Transport, Focusing, and Metasomatism.” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 464 (April 2017): 55–68.
  • Key, Kerry, Steven Constable, Lijun Liu, and Anne Pommier. “Electrical Image of Passive Mantle Upwelling beneath the Northern East Pacific Rise.” Nature 495, no. 7442 (March 2013): 499–502.
  • Pec, Matej, Benjamin K. Holtzman, Mark E. Zimmerman, and David L. Kohlstedt. “Reaction Infiltration Instabilities in Mantle Rocks: An Experimental Investigation.” Journal of Petrology 58, no. 5 (May 1, 2017): 979–1003.
  • Rees Jones, David W., and Richard F. Katz. “Reaction-Infiltration Instability in a Compacting Porous Medium.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 852 (October 10, 2018): 5–36.
  • Spiegelman, M. “Physics of Melt Extraction: Theory, Implications and Applications.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Physical and Engineering Sciences 342, no. 1663 (January 15, 1993): 23–41.
  • Spiegelman, Marc. “Geochemical Consequences of Melt Transport in 2-D: The Sensitivity of Trace Elements to Mantle Dynamics.” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 139, no. 1–2 (March 1996): 115–32.
  • Spiegelman, Marc, Peter B. Kelemen, and Einat Aharonov. “Causes and Consequences of Flow Organization during Melt Transport: The Reaction Infiltration Instability in Compactible Media.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 106, no. B2 (February 10, 2001): 2061–77.
  • Spiegelman, Marc, and Dan McKenzie. “Simple 2-D Models for Melt Extraction at Mid-Ocean Ridges and Island Arcs.” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 83, no. 1–4 (May 1987): 137–52.
  • Team, T. M. S. “Imaging the Deep Seismic Structure Beneath a Mid-Ocean Ridge: The MELT Experiment.” Science 280, no. 5367 (May 22, 1998): 1215–18.


Lecture 4

  • Burley, Jonathan M.A., and Richard F. Katz. “Variations in Mid-Ocean Ridge CO2 Emissions Driven by Glacial Cycles.” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 426 (September 2015): 246–58.
  • Conrad, C. P. “How Climate Influences Sea-Floor Topography.” Science 347, no. 6227 (March 13, 2015): 1204–5.
  • Crowley, J. W., R. F. Katz, P. Huybers, C. H. Langmuir, and S.-H. Park. “Glacial Cycles Drive Variations in the Production of Oceanic Crust.” Science 347, no. 6227 (March 13, 2015): 1237–40.
  • Crowley, J. W., R. F. Katz, P. Huybers, C. H. Langmuir, and S.-H. Park. “Response to Comment on ‘Glacial Cycles Drive Variations in the Production of Oceanic Crust.’” Science 349, no. 6252 (September 4, 2015): 1065–1065.
  • Goff, J. A. “Comment on ‘Glacial Cycles Drive Variations in the Production of Oceanic Crust.’” Science 349, no. 6252 (September 4, 2015): 1065–1065.
  • Huybers, P., C. Langmuir, R. F. Katz, D. Ferguson, C. Proistosescu, and S. Carbotte. “Comment on ‘Sensitivity of Seafloor Bathymetry to Climate-Driven Fluctuations in Mid-Ocean Ridge Magma Supply.’” Science 352, no. 6292 (June 17, 2016): 1405–1405.
  • Huybers, Peter, and Charles Langmuir. “Feedback between Deglaciation, Volcanism, and Atmospheric CO2.” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 286, no. 3–4 (September 2009): 479–91.
  • Jull, M., and D. McKenzie. “The Effect of Deglaciation on Mantle Melting beneath Iceland.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 101, no. B10 (October 10, 1996): 21815–28.
  • Lund, David C., and Paul D. Asimow. “Does Sea Level Influence Mid-Ocean Ridge Magmatism on Milankovitch Timescales?: SEA LEVEL AND MID-OCEAN RIDGE MAGMATISM.” Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 12, no. 12 (December 2011).
  • Maclennan, J., M. Jull, D. McKenzie, L. Slater, and K. Grönvold. “The Link between Volcanism and Deglaciation in Iceland: VOLCANISM AND DEGLACIATION.” Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 3, no. 11 (November 2002): 1–25.
  • Olive, J.- A., M. D. Behn, G. Ito, W. R. Buck, J. Escartin, and S. Howell. “Sensitivity of Seafloor Bathymetry to Climate-Driven Fluctuations in Mid-Ocean Ridge Magma Supply.” Science 350, no. 6258 (October 16, 2015): 310–13.
  • Olive, Jean-Arthur. “When Less Water Means More Fire.” Nature Geoscience 10, no. 10 (October 2017): 718–19.
  • Sternai, Pietro, Luca Caricchi, Daniel Garcia-Castellanos, Laurent Jolivet, Tom E. Sheldrake, and Sébastien Castelltort. “Magmatic Pulse Driven by Sea-Level Changes Associated with the Messinian Salinity Crisis.” Nature Geoscience 10, no. 10 (October 2017): 783–87.
  • Tolstoy, Maya. “Mid-Ocean Ridge Eruptions as a Climate Valve.” Geophysical Research Letters 42, no. 5 (March 16, 2015): 1346–51.


Lectures 5-8: John Maclennan

Lecture 5

  • Biggs, Juliet, and Catherine Annen. “The Lateral Growth and Coalesence of Magma Systems.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 377, no. 2139 (February 25, 2019): 20180005.
  • Bowen, N. L. The Evolution of the Igneous Rocks / by N.L. Bowen. First Dover ed. New York: New York : Dover, c1956., 1956.
  • Cann, J. R. “A Model for Oceanic Crystal Structure Developed.” Geophysical Journal International 39, no. 1 (October 1, 1974): 169–87.
  • Cashman, Katharine V., R. Stephen J. Sparks, and Jonathan D. Blundy. “Vertically Extensive and Unstable Magmatic Systems: A Unified View of Igneous Processes.” Science 355, no. 6331 (March 24, 2017): eaag3055.
  • Davaille, Anne, and Claude Jaupart. “Transient High-Rayleigh-Number Thermal Convection with Large Viscosity Variations.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 253, no. 1 (August 1993): 141.
  • Dunn, Robert A., Douglas R. Toomey, and Sean C. Solomon. “Three-Dimensional Seismic Structure and Physical Properties of the Crust and Shallow Mantle beneath the East Pacific Rise at 9°30’N.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 105, no. B10 (October 10, 2000): 23537–55.
  • Gale, Allison, Charles H. Langmuir, and Colleen A. Dalton. “The Global Systematics of Ocean Ridge Basalts and Their Origin.” Journal of Petrology 55, no. 6 (June 2014): 1051–82.
  • Irvine, T. Neil, Jens Christian Ø. Andersen, and C. Kent Brooks. “Included Blocks (and Blocks within Blocks) in the Skaergaard Intrusion: Geologic Relations and the Origins of Rhythmic Modally Graded Layers.” GSA Bulletin 110, no. 11 (January 11, 1998): 1398–1447.<1398:IBABWB>2.3.CO;2.
  • Jackson, M. D., J. Blundy, and R. S. J. Sparks. “Chemical Differentiation, Cold Storage and Remobilization of Magma in the Earth’s Crust.” Nature 564, no. 7736 (December 1, 2018): 405–9.
  • Karlstrom, Leif, Scott R. Paterson, and A. Mark Jellinek. “A Reverse Energy Cascade for Crustal Magma Transport.” Nature Geoscience 10, no. 8 (August 2017): 604–8.
  • Kelemen, Peter B., J. A. Whitehead, Einat Aharonov, and Kelsey A. Jordahl. “Experiments on Flow Focusing in Soluble Porous Media, with Applications to Melt Extraction from the Mantle.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 100, no. B1 (January 10, 1995): 475–96.
  • Korenaga, J, and P Kelemen. “Melt Migration through the Oceanic Lower Crust: A Constraint from Melt Percolation Modeling with Finite Solid Diffusion.” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 156, no. 1–2 (March 15, 1998): 1–11.
  • Korenaga, Jun, and Peter B. Kelemen. “Origin of Gabbro Sills in the Moho Transition Zone of the Oman Ophiolite: Implications for Magma Transport in the Oceanic Lower Crust.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102, no. B12 (December 10, 1997): 27729–49.
  • Maclennan, J. “Mafic Tiers and Transient Mushes: Evidence from Iceland.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 377, no. 2139 (February 25, 2019): 20180021.
  • Maclennan, J., D. McKenzie, K. Gronvöld, and L. Slater. “Crustal Accretion under Northern Iceland.” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 191, no. 3–4 (September 2001): 295–310.
  • Maclennan, John. “The Supply of Heat to Mid-Ocean Ridges by Crystallization and Cooling of Mantle Melts.” In Magma to Microbe, edited by Robert P. Lowell, Jeffrey S. Seewald, Anna Metaxas, and Michael R. Perfit, 45–73. Washington, D. C.: American Geophysical Union, 2013.
  • Marjanović, Milena, Suzanne M. Carbotte, Helene Carton, Mladen R. Nedimović, John C. Mutter, and Juan Pablo Canales. “A Multi-Sill Magma Plumbing System beneath the Axis of the East Pacific Rise.” Nature Geoscience 7, no. 11 (November 2014): 825–29.
  • Martin, D., and R. Nokes. “A Fluid-Dynamical Study of Crystal Settling in Convecting Magmas.” Journal of Petrology 30, no. 6 (December 1, 1989): 1471–1500.
  • Segall, Paul. “Magma Chambers: What We Can, and Cannot, Learn from Volcano Geodesy.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 377, no. 2139 (February 25, 2019): 20180158.
  • Sparks, R. S. J., C. Annen, J. D. Blundy, K. V. Cashman, A. C. Rust, and M. D. Jackson. “Formation and Dynamics of Magma Reservoirs.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 377, no. 2139 (February 25, 2019): 20180019.
  • White, Robert S., Marie Edmonds, John Maclennan, Tim Greenfield, and Thorbjorg Agustsdottir. “Melt Movement through the Icelandic Crust.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 377, no. 2139 (February 25, 2019): 20180010.


Lecture 6

  • Blake, S, and N Rogers. “Magma Differentiation Rates from (Ra/Th) and the Size and Power Output of Magma Chambers.” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 236, no. 3–4 (August 15, 2005): 654–69.
  • Caricchi, Luca, Guy Simpson, and Urs Schaltegger. “Zircons Reveal Magma Fluxes in the Earth’s Crust.” Nature 511, no. 7510 (July 2014): 457–61.
  • Carslaw, H. S., and J. C. Jaeger. Conduction of Heat in Solids. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1959.
  • Cashman, Katharine V., and Bruce D. Marsh. “Crystal Size Distribution (CSD) in Rocks and the Kinetics and Dynamics of Crystallization II: Makaopuhi Lava Lake.” Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 99, no. 3 (July 1988): 292–305.
  • Cooper, Kari M. “Time Scales and Temperatures of Crystal Storage in Magma Reservoirs: Implications for Magma Reservoir Dynamics.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 377, no. 2139 (February 25, 2019): 20180009.
  • Cooper, Kari M. “Timescales of Crustal Magma Reservoir Processes: Insights from U-Series Crystal Ages.” Geological Society, London, Special Publications 422, no. 1 (2015): 141–74.
  • Cooper, Kari M., and Adam J. R. Kent. “Rapid Remobilization of Magmatic Crystals Kept in Cold Storage.” Nature 506, no. 7489 (February 2014): 480–83.
  • Cooper, Kari M., Christy B. Till, Adam J. R. Kent, Fidel Costa, Allison E. Rubin, Darren Gravley, Chad Deering, Jim Cole, and Maitrayee Bose. “Response to Comment on ‘Rapid Cooling and Cold Storage in a Silicic Magma Reservoir Recorded in Individual Crystals.’” Science 358, no. 6370 (December 22, 2017): eaap9145.
  • Crank, John. The Mathematics of Diffusion. 2. ed., Reprint. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976.
  • Faure, François, Gilles Trolliard, Christian Nicollet, and Jean-Marc Montel. “A Developmental Model of Olivine Morphology as a Function of the Cooling Rate and the Degree of Undercooling.” Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 145, no. 2 (May 2003): 251–63.
  • Hawkesworth, Chris, Rhiannon George, Simon Turner, and Georg Zellmer. “Time Scales of Magmatic Processes.” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 218, no. 1–2 (January 2004): 1–16.
  • Holness, Marian B. “The Effect of Crystallization Time on Plagioclase Grain Shape in Dolerites.” Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 168, no. 5 (November 2014).
  • Holness, Marian B., Madeleine C. S. Humphreys, Rachel Sides, Rosalind T. Helz, and Christian Tegner. “Toward an Understanding of Disequilibrium Dihedral Angles in Mafic Rocks: DISEQUILIBRIUM DIHEDRAL ANGLES.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 117, no. B6 (June 2012): n/a-n/a.
  • Holness, Marian B., Chris Richardson, and Rosalind T. Helz. “Disequilibrium Dihedral Angles in Dolerite Sills: A New Proxy for Cooling Rate.” Geology 40, no. 9 (September 2012): 795–98.
  • Leuthold, Julien, Othmar Müntener, Lukas P. Baumgartner, Benita Putlitz, Maria Ovtcharova, and Urs Schaltegger. “Time Resolved Construction of a Bimodal Laccolith (Torres Del Paine, Patagonia).” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 325–326 (April 2012): 85–92.
  • Neave, David A., Iris Buisman, and John Maclennan. “Continuous Mush Disaggregation during the Long-Lasting Laki Fissure Eruption, Iceland.” American Mineralogist 102, no. 10 (October 2017): 2007–21.
  • Rubin, Allison E., Kari M. Cooper, Christy B. Till, Adam J. R. Kent, Fidel Costa, Maitrayee Bose, Darren Gravley, Chad Deering, and Jim Cole. “Rapid Cooling and Cold Storage in a Silicic Magma Reservoir Recorded in Individual Crystals.” Science 356, no. 6343 (June 16, 2017): 1154–56.
  • Wilson, Colin J. N., Daniel J. Morgan, Bruce L. A. Charlier, and Simon J. Barker. “Comment on ‘Rapid Cooling and Cold Storage in a Silicic Magma Reservoir Recorded in Individual Crystals.’” Science 358, no. 6370 (December 22, 2017): eaap8429.


Lecture 7

  • Carslaw, H. S., and J. C. Jaeger. Conduction of Heat in Solids. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1959.
  • Chakraborty, S. “Diffusion Coefficients in Olivine, Wadsleyite and Ringwoodite.” Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 72, no. 1 (January 1, 2010): 603–39.
  • Chakraborty, Sumit. “Rates and Mechanisms of Fe-Mg Interdiffusion in Olivine at 980°-1300°C.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102, no. B6 (June 10, 1997): 12317–31.
  • Costa, F., R. Dohmen, and S. Chakraborty. “Time Scales of Magmatic Processes from Modeling the Zoning Patterns of Crystals.” Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 69, no. 1 (January 1, 2008): 545–94.
  • Crank, John. The Mathematics of Diffusion. 2. ed., Reprint. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976.
  • Druitt, T. H., F. Costa, E. Deloule, M. Dungan, and B. Scaillet. “Decadal to Monthly Timescales of Magma Transfer and Reservoir Growth at a Caldera Volcano.” Nature 482, no. 7383 (February 2012): 77–80.
  • Martin, V. M., D. J. Morgan, D. A. Jerram, M. J. Caddick, D. J. Prior, and J. P. Davidson. “Bang! Month-Scale Eruption Triggering at Santorini Volcano.” Science 321, no. 5893 (August 29, 2008): 1178–1178.
  • Mutch, Euan J. F., John Maclennan, Oliver Shorttle, Marie Edmonds, and John F. Rudge. “Rapid Transcrustal Magma Movement under Iceland.” Nature Geoscience 12, no. 7 (July 2019): 569–74.
  • Mutch, Euan James Forsyth. “Timescales of Magma Residence and Transport underneath Iceland.” University of Cambridge, 2019.
  • Neave, David A., John Maclennan, Margaret E. Hartley, Marie Edmonds, and Thorvaldur Thordarson. “Crystal Storage and Transfer in Basaltic Systems: The Skuggafjöll Eruption, Iceland.” Journal of Petrology 55, no. 12 (December 2014): 2311–46.
  • Rae, Auriol S.P., Marie Edmonds, John Maclennan, Daniel Morgan, Bruce Houghton, Margaret E. Hartley, and Isobel Sides. “Time Scales of Magma Transport and Mixing at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai’i.” Geology 44, no. 6 (June 2016): 463–66.
  • Rubin, Allison E., Kari M. Cooper, Christy B. Till, Adam J. R. Kent, Fidel Costa, Maitrayee Bose, Darren Gravley, Chad Deering, and Jim Cole. “Rapid Cooling and Cold Storage in a Silicic Magma Reservoir Recorded in Individual Crystals.” Science 356, no. 6343 (June 16, 2017): 1154–56.
  • Ruprecht, Philipp, and Terry Plank. “Feeding Andesitic Eruptions with a High-Speed Connection from the Mantle.” Nature 500, no. 7460 (August 2013): 68–72.
  • Saunders, K., J. Blundy, R. Dohmen, and K. Cashman. “Linking Petrology and Seismology at an Active Volcano.” Science 336, no. 6084 (May 25, 2012): 1023–27.
  • Shea, Thomas, Fidel Costa, Daniel Krimer, and Julia Eve Hammer. “Accuracy of Timescales Retrieved from Diffusion Modeling in Olivine: A 3D Perspective.” American Mineralogist 100, no. 10 (October 2015): 2026–42.
  • Shea, Thomas, Kendra J. Lynn, and Michael O. Garcia. “Cracking the Olivine Zoning Code: Distinguishing between Crystal Growth and Diffusion.” Geology 43, no. 10 (October 2015): 935–38.
  • Sparks, R. S. J., C. Annen, J. D. Blundy, K. V. Cashman, A. C. Rust, and M. D. Jackson. “Formation and Dynamics of Magma Reservoirs.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 377, no. 2139 (February 25, 2019): 20180019.
  • White, Robert S., Marie Edmonds, John Maclennan, Tim Greenfield, and Thorbjorg Agustsdottir. “Melt Movement through the Icelandic Crust.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 377, no. 2139 (February 25, 2019): 20180010.


Lecture 8

  • Bindeman, Ilya N., Andrew M. Davis, and Michael J. Drake. “Ion Microprobe Study of Plagioclase-Basalt Partition Experiments at Natural Concentration Levels of Trace Elements.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 62, no. 7 (April 1998): 1175–93.
  • Costa, F., R. Dohmen, and S. Chakraborty. “Time Scales of Magmatic Processes from Modeling the Zoning Patterns of Crystals.” Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 69, no. 1 (January 1, 2008): 545–94.
  • Dohmen, R., and J. Blundy. “A Predictive Thermodynamic Model for Element Partitioning between Plagioclase and Melt as a Function of Pressure, Temperature and Composition.” American Journal of Science 314, no. 9 (November 1, 2014): 1319–72.
  • Druitt, T. H., F. Costa, E. Deloule, M. Dungan, and B. Scaillet. “Decadal to Monthly Timescales of Magma Transfer and Reservoir Growth at a Caldera Volcano.” Nature 482, no. 7383 (February 2012): 77–80.
  • Ferguson, David J., Helge M. Gonnermann, Philipp Ruprecht, Terry Plank, Erik H. Hauri, Bruce F. Houghton, and Donald A. Swanson. “Magma Decompression Rates during Explosive Eruptions of Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaii, Recorded by Melt Embayments.” Bulletin of Volcanology 78, no. 10 (October 2016).
  • Ferriss, Elizabeth, Terry Plank, Megan Newcombe, David Walker, and Erik Hauri. “Rates of Dehydration of Olivines from San Carlos and Kilauea Iki.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 242 (December 2018): 165–90.
  • Gaetani, Glenn A., Julie A. O’Leary, Nobumichi Shimizu, Claire E. Bucholz, and Matthew Newville. “Rapid Reequilibration of H2O and Oxygen Fugacity in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions.” Geology 40, no. 10 (October 2012): 915–18.
  • Hartley, Margaret E., Daniel J. Morgan, John Maclennan, Marie Edmonds, and Thor Thordarson. “Tracking Timescales of Short-Term Precursors to Large Basaltic Fissure Eruptions through Fe–Mg Diffusion in Olivine.” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 439 (April 2016): 58–70.
  • Hartley, Margaret E., David A. Neave, John Maclennan, Marie Edmonds, and Thor Thordarson. “Diffusive Over-Hydration of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions.” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 425 (September 2015): 168–78.
  • Martin, V. M., D. J. Morgan, D. A. Jerram, M. J. Caddick, D. J. Prior, and J. P. Davidson. “Bang! Month-Scale Eruption Triggering at Santorini Volcano.” Science 321, no. 5893 (August 29, 2008): 1178–1178.
  • Oeser, Martin, Ralf Dohmen, Ingo Horn, Stephan Schuth, and Stefan Weyer. “Processes and Time Scales of Magmatic Evolution as Revealed by Fe–Mg Chemical and Isotopic Zoning in Natural Olivines.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 154 (April 2015): 130–50.
  • Rae, Auriol S.P., Marie Edmonds, John Maclennan, Daniel Morgan, Bruce Houghton, Margaret E. Hartley, and Isobel Sides. “Time Scales of Magma Transport and Mixing at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai’i.” Geology 44, no. 6 (June 2016): 463–66.
  • Ruprecht, Philipp, and Terry Plank. “Feeding Andesitic Eruptions with a High-Speed Connection from the Mantle.” Nature 500, no. 7460 (August 2013): 68–72.
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