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Department of Earth Sciences

A picture of three students on the sofa in the Earth Sciences Library, with others working on computers in the background. On a bright winter's day.




The University's main tool for searching library collections is iDiscover. You can use it to search the University's entire print and online collections to find: books, eBooks, videos, theses, open access content, and more. If you are unable to find the material that you are after, then please for assistance.

Other catalogues and directories that might be of use:


The journal lists below are constantly changed, and trials are frequently made of new titles. New information will be emailed to department members as it arrives.

The University Library has an A–Z list of online journals (eJournals@cambridge).

Earth Sciences eJournals

From the University Library eJournals list, we have selected Earth Sciences relevant journals and placed them in the three lists below:





Should you have any difficulties with our listing please check the title(s) that you are searching for on the eJournals site before

Journal recommendations

If you come across a journal that you would like to see added to the list of eJournals, please recommend an electronic resource to the University. This form can also be used to extend access to current archived journals.

Checking journals for Open Access and REF compliance

Sherpa REF - Use this to check what you need to do to meet REF requirements.

Sherpa Fact - Use this to check Open Access compliance.

Journal Checker Tool - Use this for Plan S comlpiance. This is useful where your funder is not from the UK.

How to cite sources and references

Try Cite them right online for essential information about referencing a number of different resources.

Other Journal resources

Reference Searches

There are a number of useful websites for searching through reference collections:

  • Web of Knowledge: Provides access to Science Citation Index online and ISI journal citation reports, which include the impact factor of a journal. For access off campus, refer to this short YouTube video.

  • Scopus: Access the largest online abstract and citation database. For access off campus, refer to this short YouTube video.

  • SciVerseHub: Elsevier's mighty scholarly research platform. 

  • GeoScienceWorld: Is a comprehensive research resource for Earth Scientists.

  • ProQuest: Provides the best search for US theses.

  • Zetoc: Gives a comprehensive research database that gives access to articles through the British Library's extensive electronic table of contents.

  • SciFinder: Is a database of chemical abstracts, but requires registration for access.

  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ): A community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.

  • Geosciences eJournals: Provides historical, i.e., no longer updated, access to open access journals, including more obscure volumes.

Other Online Resources

Computers, Photocopiers & Printing, Other Facilities


  • One public computer for searching the Library collections.

  • 12 department network terminals, which require a department log-in.

Photocopiers & printing

Computers connected to the Department network, or configured for printing over Eduroam, can print (A3/A4, colour/black & white) to the 'north-colour' printer in the library. The unit also has scanning/photocopying capabilities, using either the flat bed or the paper feed.

The Library does not operate a card system for printing charges, therefore cash payment is expected of visitors. A billing system operates for part II/III students.

Other facilities

  • Microfilm and microfiche readers.

  • A4 scanner.

  • A3 laminator.

  • Lightbox.

Copyright Advice

The University is licensed with the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA), which means that published works covered by the licence can be copied, within these restrictions:

  • No more than 5% of the total work can be copied.

  • No more than one chapter per book or one article per journal issue can be copied.

A couple of quick copyright flowcharts help to explain: non-crown copyright, and crown copyright.

Visit the University's webpage on copyright for further information regarding copyright matters commonly encountered at the University.