Earth Sciences eBooks
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Authors: A–C, D–L, M–R, S–Z
Darwin, Charles |
Fagents, Sarah. A., Gregg, Tracy K. P. & Lopes, Rosely M. C. |
French, Charles A. I. |
Fossen, Haakon |
Gradstein, Felix |
Grove, John M. |
Hambrey, Michael & Alean, Jürg |
Hancock, Paul L. & Skinner, Brian J. |
Houghton, John |
Huggett, Richard John |
Jacobson, Michael, Charleson, Robert J., Rodhe, Henning, & Orians, Gordon H. Earth System Science: From Biogeochemical Cycles to Global Change |
Jaeger, C. |
James, Noel P. & Jones, Bryan Origin of Carbonate Sedimentary Rocks Temporary access granted by ProQuest during COVID-19 |
Janvier, Philippe |
Kearey, Philip, Klepeis, Keith A. & Vine Frederick J. |
Kemp, T. S. |
Lamb, Dennis & Verlinde, Johannes |
Langmuir, Charles H. & Broecker, Wallace S. |
Leeder, Mike Sedimentology and Sedimentary Basins: From Turbulence to Tectonics |
Leeder, Mike |
Lewens, Tim |
Libes, Susan M. |
Lisle, Richard J. |
Lockwood, John P. |
Lunine, Jonathan I. |