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With an Earth Sciences Department account, visitors can use the following:

  • Visitors can bring a mobile computer (e.g. laptop) to the Department. The Network Connection section explains how to connect to the network.
  • The Computer Office may be able to provide a computer for a short-term loan. for details.
Library Shell Computer Lab (N312) Computer Lab (N316) Printer Room (S212) Part 1B Lab (S213) Part II Lab (S322)
Windows/Linux PCs X X
Linux PCs, Macs X
Windows PCs X X
Colour Printer (up to A3) X X
Colour Plotter (up to A0 poster size) X
Black and White Printer (up to A4) X
Scanner X (Copier plus two scanners both 9600x4800) X (Scanner 9600x4800) X (Scanner 9600x4800) X (Copier)
MS Office X X X X
Origin X X X X
Matlab X X X X X
Mathematica X X X X X
Igor X X X X X
Inkscape(drawing), GIMP(image manipulation, Scribus(poster making) X X X X X
Libre Office, Open Office X X X X X
Standard Linux Applications (including GMT and R) X X X