What is Earth made of? What processes shape and change it? What has happened to it during the past 4.5 billion years, and how do we know? What will happen to Earth in the future? These are the big questions that the IA Earth Sciences course seeks to answer. We take an overview of the whole subject in this first year course, enough to provide a firm basis for Geological Sciences courses in future years or to inform your work in other courses within NST.
Introduction to Part IA Earth Sciences
An overview of all the modules taught in Part IA Earth Sciences
Part IA—Course Guide
A detailed guide to all aspects of the Part IA course, including the Department, teaching, examinations, and lab safety.
Field trips
Please refer to the course guide.
Supervision and Workload hours
Recommended supervision norms from the Senior Tutors' Committee.
More information
If you have any questions, please contact our Teaching Support Manager.