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Department of Earth Sciences

Henslow Research Fellow

I'm interested in many aspects of high-temperature geochemistry and igneous petrology. My PhD work focused on heavy stable isotope tracers of mantle heterogeneity, developing a framework to identify recycled crust in the mantle source of erupted basalts using phase equilibrium and stable isotope fractionation modelling, as well as Fe and Mg stable isotope measurements in basalts. I am now applying my geochemical background to the study of REE in alkaline-silicate rocks, combining petrology, thermodynamics and geochemical modelling to understand the processes that control the REE budgets in these systems. I've become interested in how we can use new geochemical and thermodynamic modelling approaches to understand the formation of critical mineral deposits in igneous systems. 


2014–2018: BA (Natural Sciences) and MSci (Earth Sciences), University of Cambridge

2018–2022: PhD (Earth Sciences), University of Cambridge

2022 - present: Henslow Research Fellow and Postdoctoral Research Associate


Key publications: 

Soderman et al., Global oceanic basalt sources and processed viewed through combined Fe and Mg stable isotopes (2024) EPSL

Soderman et al., The evolution of the Galapagos mantle plume (2023) Science Advances

Soderman et al., Global trends in novel stable isotopes in basalts: Theory and observations (2022) GCA

Soderman et al., Heavy delta57Fe in ocean island basalts: A non-unique signature of processes and source lithologies in the mantle (2021) GCA

Other publications: 

Ruttor et al. Iron isotope evidence in ocean island basalts for plume- and plate-controlled melting, São Miguel, Azores (2022) GCA

Gleeson, Soderman et al. Geochemical constraints on the structure of the Earth's deep mantle and the origin of the LLSVPs (2021) G3

Contact Details

Email address: 
+44 (0) 1223 333441


Person keywords: 
Stable isotopes
Critical minerals