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Department of Earth Sciences

Solid Earth Geophysics


I develop mathematical and computational methods to better understand the Earth and Earth-like planets. Topics of interest include the Earth's free oscillations, post-glacial sea level change, body tides, rotational dynamics,  and geophysical inverse theory.  






Key publications: 

Maitra M.A., & Al-Attar D., 2019. A non-pertubative method for gravitational potential calculations within heterogeneous and aspherical planets. Geophys. J. Int.219, 1043-1055.

Crawford O., Al-Attar D., Tromp J., & Mitrovica J.X., Austermann J., & Lau H.C.P., 2018. Quantifying the sensitivity of post-glacial sea level change to laterally varying viscosity. Geophy. J. Int., 214, 1324–1363.

Al-Attar D., Crawford O., Valentine A.P., & Trampert J., 2018. Hamilton's principle and normal mode coupling in an aspherical planet with a fluid core.  Geophys. J. Int., 214485–507.

Crawford O., Al-Attar D., Tromp J., & Mitrovica J.X., 2017. Forward and inverse modelling of post-seismic deformation. Geophy. J. Int., 208, 845-876.

Al-Attar D. & Crawford O., 2016. Particle relabelling transformations in elastodynamics. Geophys. J. Int., 205, 575-593.

Al-Attar D. & Tromp J., 2014. Sensitivity kernels for viscoelastic loading based on adjoint merhods. Geophys. J. Int., 196, 34--77.

Al-Attar D., Woodhouse J.H. & Deuss A.F., 2012. Calculation of mode spectra in laterally heterogeneous earth models using an iterative direct solution method. Geophys. J. Int., 189, 1038--1046.

Al-Attar D. & Woodhouse J.H., 2008. Calculation of seismic displacement fields in self-gravitating earth models -- applications of minor vectors and symplectic structure. Geophys. J. Int., 175, 1176--1208.







Contact Details

Email address: 
Bullard Labs
Madingley Rise,
Madingley Road,
+44 (0) 1223 348935


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