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Department of Earth Sciences

Academic Champion for Careers
Director of Studies, Natural Sciences (Physical), Emmanuel College
Igneous Petrology


Originally from Glasgow, his interests in Physics and Geology have taken him to degrees and jobs in Cambridge, Paris and Edinburgh. His approach combines robust fieldwork, leading-edge microanalysis and computational techniques to provide a quantitative understanding of magmatic processes. Iceland has provided a natural focus for much of this work and provides a platform for a global view of magmatism at spreading ridges, ocean islands and large igneous provinces.

A recent CV.


Diffusion chronometry of magmatic processes: Tracking pre-eruptive magma ascent and storage timescales

Petrological records of magma storage and transport: Melt inclusions, volatiles and thermobarometry

Carbon and other volatiles in the Earth's mantle: Constraining budgets and understanding volcanism as an environmental agent. 

Forcing and feedbacks between magmatism, mantle melting and climate change



Key publications: 

Recent publications can be found in the publications database here or on Google Scholar


Teaching and Supervisions

Research supervision: 

MSci supervision: 15 as lead supervisor, 3 as co-supervisor. 5 papers directly from student projects. 4 of these students now hold permanent/tenure track positions at leading universities in UK/US.

PhD supervision: 8 as lead supervisor, 11 as co-supervisor. >25 papers from student projects. 5 of these students now hold permanent/tenure-track positions at leading universities in UK/US, 3 hold academic-related roles at UK universities, 3 are post-docs. 

Professor John	  Maclennan

Contact Details

Email address: 
Downing Site - S403
+44 (0) 1223 761602
Takes PhD students


Person keywords: 
Computer Simulations