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Department of Earth Sciences

Director of the Sedgwick Museum

As Director of the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences, my role is to ensure that the Museum is relevant and inspiring for all our audiences - be they members of the public, students or researchers. In these challenging times, the Museum is more important than ever in addressing social inequality, supporting the next generation of Earth scientists and contributing to making Earth science, and the University, inclusive and accessible.  As a University Museum, we are uniquely placed to bring researchers and the public together, and I am always happy to talk with researchers about how the museum can help engage the public with your research - please do get in touch!

I am the University STEMM Gender Equality Champion and co-chair the University's Gender Equality Steering Group, and I am a Mentor through the University's self-match mentor scheme 


I am keen to promote the use of the Museum's exceptional collections by researchers and students, and to engage a wider and more diverse public audience with the Museum's displays and public programmes.  I'm particularly interested in exploring alternative and hidden histories of the museum's collections, including colonial legacies, feminist and LGBTQ+ histories, and to consider representation and role models in the Museum's displays.   I am keen to work collaboratively with researchers, students, volunteers, community groups and members of the public to create a museum that is inclusive, welcoming and inspiring.   

With a background in palaeontology, I have spent more than 20 years working in museums as a curator, consultant and as University of Cambridge Museums Officer, where I developed and led the University of Cambridge Museums consortium, comprising eight university museums and Botanic Garden.    As an independent consultant I specialise in advocacy, strategy and public engagement in museums, with a particular focus on the university museum sector.



Key publications: 

Hide, L., 2021. Rocking the boat: geological collections and social change. Geological Curator 11, 335–340.

Hide, L., Pemberton, D., 2021. Mobilising Collections Storage to Deliver Wide-Ranging Strategic Objectives at the Sedgwick Museum. Museum International 73, 110–119.

Hide, L., 2021. Post-pandemic, how can museums help to make Earth heritage accessible for everyone. Earth Heritage 55, 12–15.

Stearn, M., Hide, L., 2021. The University of Cambridge Museums: Working in partnership to  address social and cultural inclusion in one of the UK’s most unequal cities. Actes du colloque « Les musées universitaires & leurs publics », Les Cahiers de Museologie, Hors-Serie No 1 178–190.



Other publications: 

Hide, Liz  2018. Fossils in a Landscape of “Arts & Culture”. Popularising Palaeontology Workshop II, Kings College, London.

Hide, Liz  2014. “Bringing University Museums Together: Cross-Disciplinary Working in Cambridge.” In Advancing Engagement: A Handbook for Academic Museums Jandl et Al. Vol. 3.

Hide, Liz. 2013. “Impact and Engagement: University Museums for the 21st Century.” University Museums Group and University Museums in Scotland.

Contact Details

Email address: 
+44 (0) 1223 330669
Takes PhD students