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Department of Earth Sciences

BP-McKenzie Chair in Earth Sciences
Current projects include:
nBOSS array to study post-subduction tectonics in North Borneo.
Deployment of broadband stations in Kalimantan and Sulawesi to study active seismicity, lithospheric structure and earthquake hazard in Indonesia
Deployment of Ocean Bottom Seismometer array in Celebes Sea and Makassar Strait in Indonesia, to study seismicity in the neighbourhood of Palu.
Deployment of Ocean Bottom Seismometers around Macquarie Island in 2020-2021 to study incipient subduction
Deployment of land stations and Ocean Bottom Seismometers in and around Iceland to study melt migration in the lithosphere
------> SEE "Teaching and supervisions" tab below for list of PhD projects for 2023) <------


  • BSc (hons), Monash University, 1997
  • PhD, Monash University, 2001
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Australian National University, 2001-2003
  • Research Fellow, Australian National University, 2004-2007
  • Fellow, Australian National University, 2008-2012
  • Senior Fellow, Australian National University, 2013
  • Professor of Geophysics, University of Aberdeen, 2013-2017
  • BP Foundation McKenzie Professor of Earth Sciences, 2017-


Since completing my PhD in 2001, I have undertaken a broad range of research in seismology, Earth imaging and tectonophysics. I am particularly interested in developing and applying new methods to large seismic datasets in order to improve our understanding of Earth structure and processes. My long term vision is to conceive and deploy novel seismic array experiments in regions of profound geological/tectonic interest, and use the data to not only uncover new knowledge about how our planet works, but also drive the development of innovative Earth imaging methodology. I am also keen to make better use of constraints and insights supplied by geodynamic modelling, structural geology, geochemistry, petrology and rock mechanics in order to provide an integrated view of the Earth's interior. Particular areas of interest include:

  • Seismic body wave tomography at local and regional scales
  • Ambeint noise tomography
  • Seismic imaging using passive transportable array data
  • Seismic wave propagation
  • Geophysical inverse theory
  • Seismic structure of the Australian continent
  • Intra-plate volcanism
  • Continental growth and its signature in the crust and lithospheric mantle



Key publications: 

Teaching and Supervisions

Research supervision: