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Department of Earth Sciences



I studied History as an undergraduate at the University of East Anglia (2000-2003) specialising in the History of Medicine. I worked at the Churchill Archives Centre (2004-2008) as an Archives Assistant whilst also studying for my Masters in Archives and Records Management (UCL, 2006-2008). Since qualifying I have worked at the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), Birkbeck College Library London, Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences, and the Levehulme Centre for Human Evolutionary Science.  I live in Cambridge with my husband Jon, a senior test engineer, and our two cats, Samson and Angel.


First professional Archivist at the Sedgwick Museum (since May 2014). Responsible for archive management of the collections - access, description, preservation and outreach.  Interests include scientific records and data, outreach, preservation training, and volunteer management.  Established UCM (University of Cambridge Museums) Archive Collections Network in 2013.


Key publications: 

Freshney, S.J "For Club and Country: Geologists, The Sedgwick Club and World War 1" Archives and Records Association (ARA) magazine. 311 (2015): 10-11.

Freshney, S.J "Lt Archibald Don (1890-1916): Mammoth Bones, War, Medicine"  The Journal of the Salonika Campaign Society, 1915-1918'  31 (2015): 5-8.

Freshney, S.J “For Club and Country: The Sedgwick Club and WW1” GeoCam Issue 12, Spring 2015.

Squires, D., Clarke, M.J. and Freshney, S.J  "The Mystery of the K.Prendergast Manuscript" Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania', 149 (2015): 7-12.

Anderson, L.I and Freshney, S.J "The application of desktop video magnifier technology to Museums and Archives". The Geological Curator 9 (10) (2013): 501-505

Marsh, S.J  "Understanding the Earth: Archival Evidence"  Archives and Records Association (ARA) magazine No 271 (2012) pp.11-13.

 Sandra J.  Freshney

Contact Details

Email address: 
Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences
A.G Brighton Building
Madingley Rise
Madingley Road
+44 (0) 1223 765717

