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Department of Earth Sciences


Dr Emilie Ringe, Lecturer at the Department of Earth Sciences & Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, has been recognised as one of three Journal of Physical Chemistry (JPC) and PHYS Division Lectureship Winners.

The Journal of Physical Chemistry – PHYS Division Lectureship Awards honour the contributions of investigators who have made major impacts in the field of physical chemistry.

“It is a great honour to be recognized by this community of fellow physical chemists for the work my group has achieved through the years. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C has been instrumental to my career at all stages, from my first first-author paper in 2010 to my first last-author paper at Rice University in 2016 and the first paper of my new group in Cambridge in 2019”, said Emilie.

Emilie’s group works on many projects, but a key unifying theme is an interest in abundant metals: such as magnesium for plasmonics. The group started exploring colloidal syntheses of magnesium nanoparticles for plasmonics over three years ago, and have so far made many exciting discoveries: “Stimulating opportunities and puzzling challenges have emerged. We are now rapidly expanding both fundamentals and applications of nanosystems based on these structures” said Emilie.

Explore articles published by Emilie Ringe in ACS Publications journals here.

Adapted from a JPC announcement.