Ocean biogeochemistry
Paleoclimate and paleoceanography
Stable isotopes
Department of Earth Sciences
Emma R. Kast, Daniel A. Stolper, Alexandra Auderset, John A. Higgins, Haojia Ren, Xingchen T. Wang, Alfredo Martínez-García, Gerald H. Haug, Daniel M. Sigman, Nitrogen isotope evidence for expanded ocean suboxia in the early Cenozoic. Science, 2019.
Jennifer N. Leichliter, Tina Lüdecke, Alan D. Foreman, Nicolas N. Duprey, Daniela E. Winkler, Emma R. Kast, Hubert Vonhof, Daniel M. Sigman, Gerald H. Haug, Marcus Clauss, Thomas Tütken, Alfredo Martínez-García, Nitrogen isotopes in tooth enamel record diet and trophic level enrichment: Results from a controlled feeding experiment. Chemical Geology, 2021.
Preston C. Kemeny, Emma R. Kast, Mathis P. Hain, Sarah E. Fawecett, Francois Fripiat, Anja S. Studer, Alfredo Martínez-García, Gerald H. Haug, Daniel M. Sigman, A seasonal model of nitrogen isotopes in the ice age Antarctic Zone: Support for weakening of the Southern Ocean upper overturning cell.Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 2018.
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