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Department of Earth Sciences

PhD Research Student

My research focuses on understanding millennial-scale climate variability (MCV) during the late Pliocene intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (iNHG) (~2.7 Ma). By analysing high-resolution marine sediment cores from the Iberian Margin, I aim to identify the nature (intensity, duration, timing) and drivers of these abrupt climate variations, as well as their response to changing orbital configuration and the evolving climate background state during the iNHG. My work integrates geochemical proxies, including oxygen isotopes from planktic and benthic foraminifera, with XRF elemental data to explore the relationship between ice-sheet dynamics, orbital forcing, and ocean circulation. 




2023-present: PhD in Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge (Supervisor: Prof. David Hodell)

2022-2023: MPhil in Holocene Climates, University of Cambridge (Supervisor: Prof. Christine Lane)

2019-2022: BSc Geography, University College London (UCL) (Supervisor: Prof. Jonathan Holmes)


Other publications: 

Du, M., Jones, V.J., van Hardenbroek, M., Matthews, L. and Ji, K., 2023. How much organic carbon have UK lakes stored in the Holocene? A preliminary estimate. The Holocene33(6), pp.746-755.

Contact Details

Email address: 
Austin 416
Department of Earth Sciences
Downing Street


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