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Department of Earth Sciences

PhD Research Student

I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge and the Biodiversity, Evolution and Adaptation team at the British Antarctic Survey. My research involves investigating the effects of osmotic stress on marine animals, with a focus on the resistance of Antarctic marine species to predicted freshening and lower salinity in the Southern Ocean as a result of climate change.


  • Animal physiology
  • Phylogenetics
  • Genetics
  • Evolution and biodiversity


2020-present: PhD in Antarctic Studies, University of Cambridge (Supervisors: Prof Lloyd Peck and Prof Elizabeth Harper) 

2018-2019: MSc in Taxonomy, Biodiversity and Evolution, Imperial College London

2003-2006: BSc (Hons) in Biological Science, University of Exeter


Key publications: 

Barrett, N.J.; Thyrring, J.; Harper, E.M.; Sejr, M.K.; Sørensen, J.G.; Peck, L.S.; Clark, M.S. Molecular Responses to Thermal and Osmotic Stress in Arctic Intertidal Mussels (Mytilus edulis): The Limits of Resilience. Genes 202213, 155. 

Barrett, N.J.; Hogan, R.I.; Allcock, A.L.; Molodtsova, T.; Hopkins, K.; Wheeler, A.J.; Yesson, C. Phylogenetics and Mitogenome Organisation in Black Corals (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia: Antipatharia): An Order-Wide Survey Inferred From Complete Mitochondrial Genomes. Frontiers in Marine Science 2020, 7, 440.


Teaching and Supervisions


Supervision: Department of Zoology NST IB Evolution and Animal Diversity 

Contact Details

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