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Department of Earth Sciences


For my Ph.D. I address the problem of a complex and dynamic frontal system with intense mesoscale eddy activity in the region of Brazil-Falkland Confluence, including quantitative measurements on how and where seawater mixes, which are crucial to complete the global circulation loop and future climate modeling.

Seismic Oceanography


Key publications: 

von Planta, C., Vogler, D., Chen, X. et al. Modelling of hydro-mechanical processes in heterogeneous fracture intersections using a fictitious domain method with variational transfer operators. Comput Geosci 24, 1799–1814 (2020).

von Planta, C., Vogler, D., Chen, X. et al. Simulation of hydro-mechanically coupled processes in rough rock fractures using an immersed boundary method and variational transfer operators. Comput Geosci 23, 1125–1140 (2019).

PhD in Geophysics

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