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Department of Earth Sciences

Research Fellow
Marine Geophysics; Crust-scale Seismology; Novel Seismic Instrument


I possess a profound interest in applying seismic inversion techniques, specifically employing the ray tracing method and seismic data modelling. Throughout my career, I have gained expertise in various geophysical modelling methods, which have proven valuable in addressing complex geological challenges within offshore environments.

My current research endeavours centre on exploring fluid and melting interactions within the crust and the formation mechanisms of both passive and active continental margins. Within this scope, my primary focus lies in investigating the heterogeneity characteristics of passive margin structures while carefully analyzing the influence of hereditary structures on their development.

Additionally, I am actively engaged in a significant project that examines the dynamic processes of volatile cycling within subduction zones, particularly from a crustal scale perspective, within active margin settings. It involves acquiring and modelling earthquakes and ambient noise seismic data, considering velocity structures at various wavelengths. Concurrently, I also use dynamic modelling techniques to effectively interpret the deep structures of interest.

Overall, my research undertakings are geared towards gaining a comprehensive understanding of the complex geological processes and structures at play, further contributing to the broader field of geophysics.


Key publications: 

Peer-reviewed Articles

  1. Cao, L., Lü, C., He, X., Rawlinson, N., Hao, T., Widiyantoro, S., et al. 2024. Mantle flow induced by the interplay of downgoing slabs revealed by seismic anisotropy beneath the Sula Block in eastern Indonesia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129, e2023JB028110.

  2. Dong, M., Lü, C., Zhang, J. & Hao, T. 2022. Downgoing plate‐buoyancy driven retreat of North Sulawesi Trench: Transition of a passive margin into a subduction zone. Geophysical Research Letters.

  3. Liu, L., Hao, T., Lü, C., Wu Z, Kim K, Kim H. 2022. Integrated Geophysical Study of the Collision Between the North China Craton and the Yangtze Craton and Its Links With Craton Lithospheric Thinning. Frontiers in Earth Science.

  4. Liu, L., Hao, T., Lü, C., & Zheng Y. 2021. Crustal Deformation and Detachment in the Sulu Orogenic Belt: New Constraints from Onshore-Offshore Wide-angle Seismic Data. Geophysical Research Letters

  5. Cao, L., He, X., Zhao, L., Lü, C., Hao, T., 2021. Mantle Flow Patterns Beneath the Junction of Multiple Subduction Systems Between the Pacific and Tethys Domains, SE Asia: Constraints From SKS ‐Wave Splitting Measurements. Geochemistry, Geophys. Geosystems.

  6. Pilia, S., Ali, M.Y., Searle, M.P., Watts, A.B., Lü, C., Thompson, D.A., 2021. Crustal Structure of the UAE‐Oman Mountain Range and Arabian Rifted Passive Margin: New Constraints From Active and Passive Seismic Methods. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 126.

  7. Lü, C., Hao, T., Lin, J. & Qiu, X. 2017. The role of rifting in the development of the continental margins of the southwest subbasin, South China Sea: Insights from an OBS experiment. Marine Geophysical. Research. 38, 105–123.

  8. Lü, C., Hao, T., Yao, Y., Xing, J. & Qiu, X. 2016. Oceanic mantle gravimetric response to the seafloor spreading of the Southwest Sub-basin, South China Sea. Geological Journal. 51, 535–547.

  9. Liu, L., Hao, T., Lü, C. 2015. Crustal structure of Bohai Sea and adjacent area (North China) from two onshore–offshore wide-angle seismic survey lines. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 98, 457–469.

Other publications: 

Popular Science Articles

  • 2022 Technical Committee ISO/TC 8, Ships and marine technology, Subcommittee SC 13, M. technology. ISO 3482: Ships and marine technology — Technical guidelines for active source exploration with ocean bottom seismometers (OBS).
  • Lü, C., Rawlinson, N., 2020. A day in the Field: Imaging of North-Sulawesi subduction in the Celebes Sea. GeoCam 6–7,
  • Lü, C., Hao, T., Rawlinson, N., Zhao, L., Xu, Y., Liu, L., 2019. Introduction to the 3-D seismic observation of the north Sulawesi subduction zone and the study of initiation mechanism. Mar. Geol. Quat. Geol. 39, 131–137.

Contact Details

Wolfson Building #62
Bullard Laboratories, Department of Earth Sciences
Madingley Road
University of Cambridge
+44 (0) 1223 337172


Collaborator profiles: 
Person keywords: 
Marine Geophysics