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Department of Earth Sciences


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terrestrial exoplanets
planetary evolution



2019–present: PhD in Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge (Oliver Shorttle & John Rudge, supervisors)

2016–2018: Master of Science in Earth & Planetary Sciences, McGill University (Nicolas Cowan, supervisor)

2011–2015: Bachelor of Science in Earth System Science, McGill University (Boswell Wing, supervisor)

Relevant work experience

2019: Research assistant, Department of Earth Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin (Lena Noack, supervisor)

2018: Research assistant, Department of Physics, McGill University (Nicolas Cowan, supervisor)



Many rocky exoplanets may not take Earth's marbled appearance, with both dry land and oceans. I am interested in how rare or common these blue marble planets might be. To this end, I model how planets build up topography to raise land above sea level, and how planets sequester water in their interiors.


Key publications: 

Guimond, C. M., Shorttle, O., and Rudge, J. F. (2023). Mantle mineralogy limits to rocky planet water inventories. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, 2.

Guimond, C. M., Rudge, J. F., & Shorttle, O. (2022). Blue marble, stagnant lid: Could dynamic topography avert a waterworld? The Planetary Science Journal, 3, 66.

Guimond, C. M., Noack, L., Ortenzi, G., and Sohl, F. (2021). Low volcanic outgassing rates for a stagnant lid Archean earth with graphite-saturated magmas. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 310.

Ortenzi, G., Noack, L., Sohl, F., Guimond, C. M., Grenfell, J. L., Dorn, C., Schmidt, J. S., Vulpius, S., Katyal, N., Kitzmann, D., & Rauer, H. (2020). Mantle redox state drives outgassing chemistry and atmospheric composition of rocky planets. Scientific Reports, 10.

Guimond, C. M. & Cowan, N. B. (2019). Three direct imaging epochs could constrain the orbit of Earth 2.0 inside the habitable zone. The Astronomical Journal, 157, 5.

Guimond, C. M. & Cowan, N. B. (2018). The direct imaging search for Earth 2.0: Quantifying biases and planetary false positives. The Astronomical Journal, 155, 230.

PhD Research Student
 Claire Marie Guimond

Contact Details

Email address: 
Bullard Laboratories
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Cambridge
Madingley Rise


Person keywords: 
Computer Simulations