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Department of Earth Sciences

PhD Student

My research explores the behaviour of lithium within magmatic and hydrothermal systems, with a view to understanding how lithium becomes enriched within granitic rocks and associated subsurface brines. This is crucial for targeting new lithium deposits, as well as better understanding existing lithium reserves, to help meet the rapidly growing lithium demand with the green energy transition.

I am currently in collaboration with Cornish Lithium, a lithium exploration company based in Cornwall, UK.



2022-present: PhD in Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge (C-CLEAR DTP) (Principal Supervisor: Professor Marie Edmonds)

2021-2022: MASt in Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge (Supervisors: Professor Sally Gibson and Dr Malcolm Hole)

2018-2021: BSc Geology, University of Birmingham


Key publications: 

Hole, M.J., Gibson, S.A., and Morris, M.C., 2023, Slab window–related magmatism as a probe for pyroxenite heterogeneities in the upper mantle: Geology,


If you are interested in lithium extraction and/or environmentally-friendly mining, you can read my article from 2022 published in Bluesci here: Eco-Mining for the Future: The Changing Face of Lithium Extraction

Teaching and Supervisions


I am a demonstrator on the 1B (2nd year undergraduate) field trip to Cornwall. This trip focuses on the Variscan geology of the region, looking at both the regional deformation and magmatism, including associated mineralisation with visits to local mining and extraction companies.

I am also a senior demonstrator for the 1A (1st year undergraduate) earth sciences course, assisting students in practical classes.

Contact Details

Email address: 
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Cambridge
Downing Street, Cambridge