The Department of Earth Sciences was awarded an Athena SWAN Bronze Award in April 2016
Equality Charters
If you have any information, suggestions or complaints on equality issues, do please fill out the anonymous Suggestions Form, or contact one of the Committee members below.
Recent survey results:
All comments have been removed to preserve anonymity. Please be assured that the committee are working towards addressing the issues raised by the comments. We have also analysed the data by staff groups:
In the survey a number of people expressed a lack of knowledge about the procedures in place in the University and the Department in the context of Harassment and Bullying. The Chair of the Equality and Diversity Committee explains in a letter to the department.
The Equality and Diversity Committee:
- Andy Woods, Chair
- Helen Averill
- Nick Barber (guest)
- Andy Buckley
- Natasha Franklin
- Richard Harrison, Head of Department
- Liz Hide, Director of the Sedgwick Museum
- Jenny Jenkins
- Charlotte Kenchington
- Ayesha Landon-Browne
- Jerome Neufeld
- Nick Rawlinson
- Gina Warren
The Department of Earth Sciences has a maternity/paternity mentor who is available for students or staff to talk to and hopefully will be able to point them in the right direction within the University for specific queries. We have pulled together some information which may help those thinking of taking leave, returning from leave, or in general for those with families.
ES Maternity and Paternity information
Why E&D matters
- Race and racism in the geosciences
- Reviewers (and recommended reviewers) for AGU journals are more likely to be male
- Differences in reference letters for male and female candidates
- How to avoid gender bias when writing reference letters
- Recognising and combatting implicit bias
- An investigation into allegations of sexual harassment in Antarctica
- Report on sexual harassment in the field
- Gender and racial harassment uncovered by a new survey
- How rules and policies, or lack thereof, affect behaviour in the field, and the results that negative experiences can have on the careers of those affected
- How one postdoc is tackling sexism in academia
- Gender inequity in speaking opportunities at the AGU Fall Meeting